Insights Of The Founder Of Ideal Dreamer Academy.
I must explain to you that we are not meant to live a life of pain, sacrifice, struggle, and work enslavement to keep basic living standards and survival. Not when we live in America, at least. We must be mindful of the idea of a personal journey of freedom to fulfill our actual life's purpose and enjoy the enriching experience with our family, friends, and social network as a primary responsibility on a human level. The rest is nothing but distractions, created to keep us unfocused and shackled by mundane routine jobs so dreams and life purpose can be stolen from our hearts.
Walking a free path is our human right, and capturing enriching experiences during the tour on this earth is our endeavor. Nothing and no one should take that away from us or alter our understanding and reality by controlling our lives by simply signing the paycheck with the amount that is selected to be paid to us. This should not be allowed because we are a higher form of creation with intelligence and are given deep reservoirs of creativity to grow and expand exponentially. Then, why set limits by a few hundred dollars by trading a big chunk of time for money? With so much potential, however, we are still held back, victim to the work environment system. 9 to 5 charity checks! Due to our ability to shine independently, we can create our own destiny and break through a shackle of jobs by planning, thinking for ourselves, working hard, and celebrating life! We can make choices in life and become free. Financial needs should not let us compromise our beautiful, unique experience on earth. We are meant to experience this life as beautifully as it is meant to be. But, sadly, we are caught up in lower survival mode, tied down to money and financial limitations, where we diminish our souls instead of reaching ascensions! There is a way out!
Beings of intellect as we are, we are entitled to have choices. If you don't have many options today, you can undoubtedly create options for yourself today. You must make a decision, stick by it, and make it work! Believe in yourself and your resources. It is a win-win situation. When your destiny collided with me, you collided into a confrontation with yourself, an intervention with yourself, a distraction from your current limited situation to think bigger and different. The light of hope has re-kindled itself. You are reminded that you are entitled to have dreams and, most of all, to be your savior. Unfulfilled potential is the same as the unfulfilled purpose of your life. Therefore, indeed, you have a responsibility to be your hero and change the direction of your own life. You are your star, you are your brand, and most definitely your own driver. Sooner or later, you must decide how to take charge and treat yourself right by leaving a mundane, mediocre life behind and getting a new identity and direction above a divine understanding of who you truly are. You must do this before facing significant life unexpected failures because there are more ways to fail than to succeed. Making a life intentional is better than a default life. That is a "Law of Polarity,".. not my words. It is a Universal Law of guidance because you have a resource and a tool called "Will-Power". This means if you do not intentionally direct your life toward one direction by your willpower, then it will automatically drag you toward another direction by default, and you may not like the default direction. This is where the accidental turnout occurs.
The dilemma is to have inner dialogues with yourself, plan your life, build a dream, set goals, and grow spiritually, mentally, and financially. Most of all, mentally. It is all to develop a new personal relationship with yourself.. it all takes time, which you don't have. However, everything can be restored in the blink of your decision. Under pressure, you were forced to trade your time with money rather than be encouraged to bring your valuable mindset to the marketplace and get paid for its value, not by selling time but by the value of the sale. Earning income through value is the name of the game. It is so you can have free time to enjoy life.
In my case, due to the time traded for money, money started to steal my time and threw me into a mental paradigm of victim consciousness, anxiety, frustration, stress from an uncertain future, and scarcity. Therefore, lack became my fate until I hit the threshold of pain and had no choice but to change my ways and take charge. I had to go through this phase because I instinctively knew there was more to life than money. I stayed in a false-illusionary mind for too long; therefore, my false belief about myself was successfully established as a fact when it was just an illusion due to the loss of time, stress, and deception by corporate bondage. I then started to believe that's all there is to life, WORK! Thankfully, I could figure it all out and escape the illusion of life, and I realized that detaching myself from the matrix system was a must. What's done is bygone. Lost time cannot be replaced. However, the decision for the future can be made today intentionally to restore the damage. It is never too late to decide as long as you are not under 6 feet of ground. I realized there was a way out, and I, too, made a decision!
You must take charge of your life, steer away from the default life that is happening to you, and turn it into an intentional life of conscious efforts based on your ideal dream that defines who you are. It's time to set goals and missions for yourself. You will have my 100% support because I have dedicated my life to helping people find solutions in all aspects of life. Personal, health, financial, marital, and social solutions.
I have read volumes of books on success, listened to thousands of the best entrepreneurs' lectures, studied principles of success, attended enough seminars and business conventions, and heard tons of stories to figure out the secret code to financial freedom and ultimate success. I have figured it out for myself because I used to be a victim of false self-identity and work slavery. Stress gradually killed me, but I fought hard, figured out the industrial-age corporate culprit, and took steps to re-direct my life. I am out and free from the slave-mindset. Now, I want to spread the good news to invite as many people as possible to join the mission towards success by availing the opportunity of information-age business trends. Today, we are an army of a support system, helping many people escape the corporate rat race to reach financial freedom.
I encourage people to think outside of the mediocre box. I encourage you to create choices for yourself, such as where you should choose to live and the quality you should have in your life, how much you should earn, and where you should live. What type of business do you want to have that supports your lifestyle? You should build your standard and live by it rather than giving others the authority to sign your paycheck! Build your dream and set your standards. We are ready to provide you with the platform to achieve the goal. You now have the platform where you can finally take steps and work to earn and exceed the dollar amount of your current income you are making at your current job so you can finally quit the job and start to build yourself full-time and get into the game of "asset building" so you may become financially free through passive residual income. This is only possible through the opportunity we offer.
No one can decide your salary and living standards and command your orders to build their dreams because they took risks while you failed to make decisions and took risks. Think about your deathbed. If you were to die today, would you be happy with yourself before departing this amazing life? You are an abundant being who is independent and can easily be prosperous. But you must pull the trigger first and do it today! Don't let someone control your future. It will directly affect your psychology, self-concept image, and entire being because it defines your limits and ability to excel in life. I am changing my life, and I encourage you to do the same for yourself! Make a decision today. and welcome your new higher version of yourself as you invest today in yourself for a better tomorrow. Welcome aboard!
- Syed Siraj Rizvi